Training programme on "Role of Consultants of the National Clean Air Programme"

Mon, Jul 29 - Fri, Aug 2 2024
Asia/Kolkata: All day
New Delhi
, India

Training programme on "Role of Consultants of the National Clean Air Programme"


Efforts to achieve clean air in India focus on a holistic approach towards air pollution mitigation, yet challenges persist due to rapid urbanisation and population growth. Launched in January 2019, by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, NCAP aims to reduce PM10 concentrations by 40% by 2026. As we enter the fifth year of NCAP, our collective efforts are more critical than ever in achieving the ambitious target. To address these challenges, 111 consultants engaged under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) and stationed at the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) / City Authorities and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) received training to effectively support the implementation of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in the 131 non-attainment and million-plus cities. 

To further drive the efforts, GIZ supported the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and the Central Pollution Control Board in collaboration with Bloomberg Philanthropies, to provide the NCAP consultants engaged by CPCB with the necessary orientation to effectively support the implementation of NCAP in the 131 non-attainment and million-plus cities. The two-day training programme provided a comprehensive overview of NCAP, including the framework and roles & responsibilities of consultants - implementation, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, documentation, and coordination. An interactive session conducted on reporting under various modules of the PRANA portal (Portal for Regulation of Air Pollution in Non-Attainment Cities) was well appreciated. 

Event highlights:
  • The programme was designed exclusively for the Consultants of the National Clean Air Programme.
  • The sessions provided a much-needed orientation on the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the NCAP. 
  • The sessions featured a diverse group of air quality experts and stakeholders who shared tools, methodologies, and guidance for informed decision-making. 
  • Interactive group work sessions focused on the implementation roles of the consultants, parameters to prepare effective action plans, and coordination with multiple stakeholders.
  • Hands-on activities focussed on collating information and reporting on the PRANA portal.
  • Best practice examples shared by Municipal Commissioners during the live sessions also reiterated the efforts being put in to achieve the NCAP targets.

The impact of this training programme extends beyond its two-day duration. It represents a significant step towards creating a more informed and a sustainable platform for knowledge exchange and cross-learning in the ongoing efforts to enhance air quality management in India. A heartfelt thank you to our esteemed trainers and enthusiastic participants for making the sessions a grand success. 

Together, we are committed to achieving cleaner air and a healthier environment for all.