Insights from the sector

Intersecting Vol.7 cover page

INTERSECTING Bending the linear economy: on Plastics

Volume 7 of INTERSECTING – in plastics, united we are! But it is time to bend the linear economy and turn 20% of the world economy circular by 2030. In the spring of 2021, the first session of the Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues on plastics kicked-off online, following the Global Solutions Summit which was also held virtually, as the COVID-19 pandemic still held its firm grip on the world with fundamental ramifications on our life.

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Plastic Granulate

Circular Economy and the Plastic Value Chain

This Circular Economy Solutions Dialogue focuses on the circular economy in the plastics value chain. It analyses policy options such as conducive legal and fiscal frameworks to transform individual initiatives into broad global solutions, as well as instruments such as the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems to establish regulated residual and resource flows.

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Credits: Rolf Schulten

Global Solutions Summit 2021

The Summit (27-28 May 2021) supported the T20 and G20 under the Italian G20 Presidency by bringing together top researchers, policymakers, business leaders and civil society representatives in a renowned global problem-solving process. The hybrid event focused heavily on a Great Realignment in the post-COVID world, in the spirit of recoupling economic progress with social prosperity and environmental sustainability.

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